On The Body Breakthrough Programme, I went from being an obsessive dieter (15 years) , trying every one going, to not restricting food at all, not counting calories and not putting myself under pressure. Eating like a "normal person". And STILL losing weight. 

It was like a huge black cloud lifting.  A totally new world!!

I now cannot believe I spent so many years dieting and losing and regaining the same weight over and over. It was miserable and I am so, so happy to be out of that now.

Erin Southall, 41

Watch My Free Weight Loss Masterclass: All You Need to Know condensed into 70 mins!

How Does The Body Breakthrough Programme Work?

There are two programmes available.

*12-week TRANSFORMATIONAL Body Breakthrough programme.

*Four-week MOTIVATIONAL Body Breakthrough programme.

Each has a different focus and outcome.  

On both you will lose weight in a completely new way that will feel less like struggle and more like a welcome, long term relief.

The 12 week TRANSFORMATIONAL Body Breakthrough Programme

This programme will bring you to your BEST EVER self via teaching you how to stop dieting AND get the body you want for the long term.

The Four week MOTIVATIONAL Body Breakthrough Programme 

This programme give you a huge kick start to the rest of your life.....without dieting. 


Therefore, four weeks is the minimum amount of time we are prepared to work with any client.

One of the great yoga teachers of our time commented:

      "The pose begins when you want to leave it"
                                                                      (B.K.S Iyenga)

Like most yoga teaching and philosophy, this is meant to be received far more broadly than simply in the physical yoga practice, on the mat.

It's at the point you want to leave the pose (in this case the diet), start losing motivation and want to give up, that the transformational work really starts.   

At this point, it stops being a diet and starts being a journey to heal your relationship with yourself and with food and change the way you think, feel and act in this area of your life, for good.

On both programmes you are taught how to shift your energy and your mindset so that you can stop yo yo-ing, feel amazing in your own skin and get the body you truly want.

Before we go any further, please know, this is NOT a cookie cutter approach. Everyone’s goals are different and we establish yours right at the beginning of the programme and develop a bespoke plan for you to achieve them. 

We do what 99% of weight loss plans ignore: help you untangle the mental struggle around weight, food and your body

Most plans focus solely on the food and / or exercise.

*We get to the root of the cause of WHY you are not able to stay committed.

*We address what happens when you overeat when feeling lonely, bored, restless, stressed etc.

*We peek inside your brain in order to "weed out" thoughts and limiting beliefs that are holding you back.

*We look carefully at your goals and help you work towards them in a meaningful, non-pressurised way.

*We help you let go of all that is not serving you to make way for new practices and beliefs that WILL serve you get you to your goal.

* We teach you yoga-inspired methods and tools to help you make changes to the way you eat and live for weight loss longevity.

*We essentially look very closely at WHAT it is that is stopping you from reaching your goals and staying there. 

*We create a bespoke plan for you to follow, learn from, grow from, evolve and emerge the other side a new you who does not struggle with food, weight and body confidence any more.

We like to say we are working on the whole human, not just what the human eats!

How does working like this make such a difference long term? Let me explain....

The Process for Changing Human Behaviour

Most weight loss and fitness programmes focus on 3. changing actions  (eating and exercising) and 4. changing results (weight loss or muscle tone) only.

This creates change in the body initially, but NOT long term change.


If you have been losing and re-gaining weight for years, you know how it feels (frustrating, upsetting, shame inducing) and to keep trying and trying and never getting to your goal long term.

This is because, every other fitness or weight loss programme you will have tried,  will have IGNORED the fact there is always an emotion driving every action and a thought or belief driving every emotion. 

On The Body Breakthrough Method, we work back to the thoughts and feelings AND beliefs. 

We start at 1. and 2. to reach 3 and then 4.

Additionally we focus on hormone balancing because hormones are in charge of whether we store of burn fat!  Simple.  

We do work with the individual on a plan to help them move their body in the right way to feel better. 

This is not about burning calories.  We fully believe exercise should be something enjoy so we help you find what you enjoy so you continue with it after the programme.


We asses each client individually and give them the correct combination of the above for THEM.  As mentioned, everyone is different.  There is just no point spending hours in the gym if emotional eating is your weak point, for example.  We work on what you need the most.

MORE Detail on This 
Powerful Method

# Area 1 Mindset

ANY result in your life is a consequence of your beliefs and thoughts.

If you do not have the body you want, it's because you have limiting beliefs or thoughts. We get to the bottom of which ones are limiting you and keeping you STUCK and SABOTAGING. We literally weed them out so you can achieve what you previously thought impossible for you.

# Area 2 Emotions

They drive our actions so we MUST connect to emotions

We pay a huge amount of attention to emotions in this programme because emotions drive all of our actions (eating and exercising are actions!).  

Emotional eating (EE), or you can simply call it eating when you are not hungry, is explored deeply and importantly, you will be learning techniques to end EE.  

Honestly, once you have learnt and later mastered these skills you will over-eat less and less and less until you just start eating like a person who does not struggle - a naturally slim person. It's a re-training.

Some days we feel positive and others we don't - on this programme there is unlimited coaching to help you through the bad days. Not to mention a group of women just like you, going through this with you.

# Area 3 - Hormones

They control everything in our body, including whether we store or burn fat, lose or gain weight so we need to treat them WELL

For optimum health and fat burning potential!

Yes, there are eight hormones associated with our weight and metabolism. Insulin is the fat storage hormone, for example which controls whether we store or burn fat AND. So if Insulin is imbalanced, we will not achieve the results we want.

To add, when we are balanced hormonally, we feel GREAT and UNSTOPPABLE.

The food comes under hormones. We eat to balance them. That means we do not count or weight anything. You are just required to eat the foods that nourish and support your hormones and that's it.

We empower you with this knowledge so you can make food choices that serve you.

This programme has been a life saver for me. It has helped balance my hormones while going through the menopause - I was gaining weight and not able to lose no matter what I tried…nothing was working. I now feel stronger than ever at 51, I have achieved the weight-loss and know I have the tools now to keep it off long term. (Helen Inglis, 51)
The support has been amazing, worth every penny. I am so glad I found you Vicki and decided to take the plunge - the support is just always there when needed.
Helen Inglis, 51

# Area 4 - Yoga

Yoga strengthens, tones, facilitates and supports your journey

Physical Yoga (Asana)

Of course there is also yoga which is fully optional.  As mentioned, on the programme we teach you yoga-inspired methods and tools to help you conquer emotional eating and to change your mindset.

We can also create a yoga fitness plan for you.

Don't worry if you are a beginner, we have classes for all levels and we meet you where you are at.

You also have (lifetime) access to the extensive yoga library.

The programmes really do combine the most beautiful ancheint yogic techniques with very effective modern methods and coaching to create meaningful and lasting results.

What Exactly is Included in the 12 and Four Week Programmes?

12 Week Transformational Programme

These inclusions work together to create the shifts in your mindset, energy and emotions required to create the lasting weight loss you desire.

Initial Goal Setting Session - it's essential to agree your goals from the outset, for accountability and so that a clear road map can be created for you.  This will enable you to see exactly what you need to do to lose the weight you want to lose and put an end to the struggle.  

It will also allow you to vision yourself having finished the programme and achieving your goals.  The more you can sit in that energy and believe it's possible for you (the practical roadmap will assist greatly here), the easier the journey will be.

Web Portal

You will be given (lifetime) access to a passworded web portal containing all of the instructions, recorded coaching and training, plus a recorded yoga library including classes for all levels; meditations, check-ins and all other tools.

Recorded coachingthe recorded coaching (around 10 hours worth) has been described by previous  as mind-blowing. And this is the idea! We are creating mindset SHIFTS and for that to happen we need to challenge your current thinking and open your mind to what is possible for you.  And believe me, the options are unlimited when you approach this with an open mind and heart.  The recorded coaching covers all the need-to-knows and the empowering information about your body, hormones, minds and emotions.  With this knowledge you will feel unstoppable!

Weekly coaching sessions on Zoom - this is where the magic really happens and where we really tailor the programme to YOU. On each session, we explore the stage you are at and what you are struggling with most.  By the end of the call, you will have a clear focus and actions to work on so you can overcome obstacles and move forwards to wards your goal.  Unstoppable!

All sessions are recorded so you can keep and play back as needed.

Unlimited coaching online

Hormone & Nutrition Coaching

There will also be three sessions with our inspiring nutritionist, Jo Rowkins.  She specialises in hormone balancing via nutrition and is an expert on peri / menopause.

She will devise a tailored nutrition plan for you and she can answer all your more in-depth food and hormone related questions.

Jo has approved the general food plan on this programme which will literally turn your body into a fat burning machine.  She will also look at you individually and give you specific advice tailored to you and your body.

Exercise and Recorded Yoga

We encourage to do exercise you enjoy and yoga and will work with you to create a plan in the areas that you love. But don't feel overwhelmed! We work it so you find the right balance of exercise and yoga for you to feel great, to support your hormones and reach your goal.

You will be guided towards the correct recorded yoga sessions for your level within the web portal.

You will also find guided meditations, yoga nidra and guided check-ins in the portal and these will be explained in the training.

Each yoga technique and method has a purpose and we will be training you to use them all. So if you have never meditated before, don't worry. We meet you where you are.

I can honestly say I haven’t dieted. I have learnt the skills needed to be mindful about what I eat and this has given me more control. I have not restricted myself. I have listened to body and stopped eating low fat diet type products. I have eaten pretty much what I wanted and not put-on weight. I didn’t trust myself in the past – and I have now learnt to trust myself and my body.  
Susan Trounce, 52

Four Week Motivational Programme

The purpose of this programme is to kick-start your weight loss and get you to a place where you feel strong and able to move forward in a completely new way.

We evolve you past the "2 week sticking point" where most lose motivation and you emerge the other side with fresh perspective.  You have effectively broken this pattern.  Now you know what to do!

Two coaching sessions are included. You can opt for two of the following:

Initial Goal Setting Session - please reference above! It's the same session as in the 12 week programme.

Two week motivational session - for you if you struggle to get past this point 

Four Week Moving Forwards Session - We asses progress and make recommendations for you to go forward into your life do weight loss differently.  You may have already made some major breakthroughs.

Some opt to upgrade to the 12 week programme at this point and get extra support to bring them to their ultimate goal.


Web Portal
You will be given (lifetime) access to a passworded web portal containing instructions and recorded coaching for the four weeks - this includes recorded coaching and training on:

* how to do the food, how to support hormones for fat burning, the hunger scale (retraining your body to eat when hungry and stop when full), dealing with cravings and emotional eating.

You will also be given access to some recorded sessions from other clients who have given permission for their coaching to be viewed to help others.

I was worried the yoga was going to be too hard. You would expect a programme like this to be full of hit classes and running around but it’s not. It’s designed to be completely enjoyable which makes it even better – there’s no urgency.  
Susan Trounce, 52

I cannot begin to tell you how much this has changed my life and outlook. I came into this feeling completely broken. I didn't think I could ever fix the binge eating. It was just ingrained and I struggled for nearly 20 years. I had never understood why I did it until this point.

The only "problem" I have now is filling the time I have which used to be taken up with obsessing about food. It's still a practice for me and I do the thought work every day but it's my way of taking care of myself and as Vicki puts it "having my own back"

Tilly, 39


12 Week Programme Options

Regular price 12 weeks
One Advance Payment
  • Save £200 by paying in full
  • Enter credit card details on following page
12 Weeks In instalments
Three payments over three months
  • Benefit from spreading the cost
  • Enter credit card details on following page.   

    Month 1 is taken immediately and an automatic subscription is set up for the following two months. If you intend to delay your start date, please get in contact on vicki@yogamovesyou.co.uk to discuss payment dates

4-week Programme Price Options

Four week full payment
One Advance Payment
  • Enter credit card details on following page
  • Option at the end of the four weeks to upgrade to the full 12 week programme 
Four week programme in Two Instalments
Two instalments two weeks apart 
  • Benefit from spreading the cost
  • Enter credit card details on following page.  
  •  Option at the end of the four weeks to upgrade to the full 12 week programme 
About Me
I am Vicki Snow - I am a mindset coach, yoga teacher, retreat host, hormone expert and creator of The Body Breakthrough Method.

MY NO 1. MISSION IS TO SHOW YOU HOW TO SHIFT YOUR ENERGY AND MINDSET SO YOU CAN STOP YO YO-ING AND GET THE BODY YOU WANT WITHOUT all the dieting misery, obsessive calorie counting, unenjoyable exercise, restriction and deprivation…..

I personally spent around 20 years (possibly more) in my 20´s and 30´s stuck in a cycle of dieting and re-gaining weight. I was always frantically counting and burning calories (often going to very drastic measures), while constantly feeling all the frustration, guilt, and desperation that goes with it.

I am fully aware how painful, shameful, disheartening and downright depressing it can be.

And that it can consume you mentally.  

My life back then was extremes and revolved totally around losing weight. I was either “off” the diet and eating uncontrollably, or eating in secret.

Or on a restrictive diet, keeping track of each calorie, so that I could burn off every single one of them and get my body in a calorie deficit for as long as possible.

I would swing from one extreme to the other, there was no middle ground, no balance and it felt terrible!

I couldn't understand why I struggled so much.  I had no idea why it was like this for me.  And I didn't think there was a way out. 

I just thought there was something wrong with me.

If any of this sounds familiar, rest assured, you are not alone and please also know that this is not something you should accept as “your lot”, even if you are peri or menopausal.

There is a way out. It IS possible for YOU.

It took me around ten years of searching for 

Sarah Garbett, Yoga Teacher
Yoga started to mean something to Sarah whilst on a year-long sabbatical spent travelling, which ended in her working at a health retreat and making quite a radical change to her lifestyle. 

For years she'd participated in, and taught, high impact fitness classes and enjoyed the challenge of yoga, but, she says, "after I got over my ego (which was primarily concerned with learning how to stand on my head), what was most refreshing to me about it was that yoga didn’t involve exercising in front of a mirror image of my body and trying to make it look perfect."

After her training she spent a few years living and working at yoga retreats, contributing to queenofretreats.com and studying in related practices such as Thai Yoga Massage and Sky Yoga using aerial silks. 

"Vicki and I met through yoga and as our friendship grew we discovered that we had lived very similar experiences with regard to dieting, exercising and self image, which made our collaboration on retreats and my contributing to her programme a natural fit."

Jo Rowkins, Nutritional Therapist

Jo believes that finding balance is the key to abundant health and vitality. She is a calming advocate of food as self-care and her coaching is informative – she takes you deep into the science of nutrition demonstrating how to support hormones and find that holy grail – balance with food. 

Jo spent has been an Executive Health Consultant in Thailand at The Spa Resorts, Koh Samui and has run her own practice from Berlin and now resides in Brighton where she sees clients for nutritional therapy and runs the 3 Day Green Smoothie Detox.

Jo is a member of BANT – British Association of Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy.

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